antique 1890s bound magazine issues, Illustrated American current events

photo of antique 1890s bound magazine issues, Illustrated American current events #1 more photos of this product below

Volumes 13 and 15 of Illustrated American magazines covering periods during 1893 and 1894. These seem to be mostly current events, the 'Time' magazine of the day?

Volume 13 has cracked front cover joint, volume 15 looks good yet. Both smell of tobacco smoke, not really unpleasant at all.

These have so much lovely artwork, fancy lettering, portraits large and small, period vintage photos.

  1. photo of antique 1890s bound magazine issues, Illustrated American current events #2
  2. photo of antique 1890s bound magazine issues, Illustrated American current events #3
  3. photo of antique 1890s bound magazine issues, Illustrated American current events #4
  4. photo of antique 1890s bound magazine issues, Illustrated American current events #5
  5. photo of antique 1890s bound magazine issues, Illustrated American current events #6
  6. photo of antique 1890s bound magazine issues, Illustrated American current events #7
  7. photo of antique 1890s bound magazine issues, Illustrated American current events #8
  8. photo of antique 1890s bound magazine issues, Illustrated American current events #9
  9. photo of antique 1890s bound magazine issues, Illustrated American current events #10
  10. photo of antique 1890s bound magazine issues, Illustrated American current events #11
  11. photo of antique 1890s bound magazine issues, Illustrated American current events #12