antique recipe book, notebook cookbook full of hand written recipes 1900 to 1960s

photo of antique recipe book, notebook cookbook full of hand written recipes 1900 to 1960s #1 more photos of this product below

Very full, very worn, very old handmade cookbook of recipes collected and carefully written down and saved, beginning around 1900, trailing off over time with the last ones from the 1960s. Stuffed with newspaper clippings and recipes from food packages, too.

One woman's lifetime, though I believe this actually might be a mother and daughter who each added to this book. It's fragile, browned and brittle - but what a treasure.

  1. photo of antique recipe book, notebook cookbook full of hand written recipes 1900 to 1960s #2
  2. photo of antique recipe book, notebook cookbook full of hand written recipes 1900 to 1960s #3
  3. photo of antique recipe book, notebook cookbook full of hand written recipes 1900 to 1960s #4
  4. photo of antique recipe book, notebook cookbook full of hand written recipes 1900 to 1960s #5
  5. photo of antique recipe book, notebook cookbook full of hand written recipes 1900 to 1960s #6
  6. photo of antique recipe book, notebook cookbook full of hand written recipes 1900 to 1960s #7
  7. photo of antique recipe book, notebook cookbook full of hand written recipes 1900 to 1960s #8
  8. photo of antique recipe book, notebook cookbook full of hand written recipes 1900 to 1960s #9
  9. photo of antique recipe book, notebook cookbook full of hand written recipes 1900 to 1960s #10
  10. photo of antique recipe book, notebook cookbook full of hand written recipes 1900 to 1960s #11
  11. photo of antique recipe book, notebook cookbook full of hand written recipes 1900 to 1960s #12