Denture prosthesis and false teeth w/photos, 1950s vintage dental book

photo of Denture prosthesis and false teeth w/photos, 1950s vintage dental book #1 more photos of this product below

Old 1950s vintage illustrated medical textbook on dental prosthesis and false teeth... Complete Denture Prosthesis by Rudolph Schlosser and Daniel Gehl. This textbook was originally copyright 1939, but this is a 1953 copyright and printing. It has over 500 pages and is illustrated with 292 figures including many photos of designing , building and fitting false teeth.

This is from the estate of a dentist who ran his own practice for many years. It has a name on the inside of the front cover as well as a minor scrape to the back cover. There is also brown foxing to some of the pages and to the cover from years on the dentist office library shelf.

  1. photo of Denture prosthesis and false teeth w/photos, 1950s vintage dental book #2
  2. photo of Denture prosthesis and false teeth w/photos, 1950s vintage dental book #3
  3. photo of Denture prosthesis and false teeth w/photos, 1950s vintage dental book #4