Dentistry for Children, 1950s dentist textbook photos and illustrations

photo of Dentistry for Children, 1950s dentist textbook photos and illustrations #1 more photos of this product below

Old early 1950s vintage illustrated medical textbook on dentistry for children. This is the third edition of Dentistry for Children by John Charles Brauer, William Demeritt, L. B. Higley, Maury Massler, and Issac Schour.

This textbook was originally copyright 1939, but this is a 1952 copyright. It has over 450 pages and has many photos and illustrations.

This is from the estate of a dentist who ran his own practice for many years. It has wear to the cover and name and some staining inside the covers as well some brown foxing to some of the pages and to the cover from years on the dentist office library shelf.

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  3. photo of Dentistry for Children, 1950s dentist textbook photos and illustrations #4