volume one 1890s 1900 History of Boone County Illinois, antique photos, genealogy

photo of volume one 1890s 1900 History of Boone County Illinois, antique photos, genealogy #1 more photos of this product below

1900 edition Illustrated Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Boone County, 447 pages.. The pages are pretty clean though this book has a very worn cover.

This is volume one ONLY (goes into the Rs in people / places encyclopedia, has most general Illinois history, and not much particular to Boone Co.) But there's a lot of interesting old photos here!

  • sku: #nt410113
  • price: $0.00
  • status: this product is no longer available
  1. photo of volume one 1890s 1900 History of Boone County Illinois, antique photos, genealogy #2
  2. photo of volume one 1890s 1900 History of Boone County Illinois, antique photos, genealogy #3
  3. photo of volume one 1890s 1900 History of Boone County Illinois, antique photos, genealogy #4
  4. photo of volume one 1890s 1900 History of Boone County Illinois, antique photos, genealogy #5
  5. photo of volume one 1890s 1900 History of Boone County Illinois, antique photos, genealogy #6
  6. photo of volume one 1890s 1900 History of Boone County Illinois, antique photos, genealogy #7
  7. photo of volume one 1890s 1900 History of Boone County Illinois, antique photos, genealogy #8
  8. photo of volume one 1890s 1900 History of Boone County Illinois, antique photos, genealogy #9