vintage dental training book lots of dentist tools and equipment photos

photo of vintage dental training book lots of dentist tools and equipment photos #1 more photos of this product below

Early 1960s vintage training book with tons of photos of dental tools and equipment... The Dentist and his Assistant, edited by Shailer Peterson and published by The C.V. Mosby Company. This is copyright 1961 and has 319 pages.

This book has lots of photos of vintage dental tools and equipment and covers the many duties of a dentist's assistant.

There are sections on helping the dentist work with the patient while in the dentist chair (including local anesthesia), managing the patients for the dentist, teaching patients about dental health and hygiene, office management, care and maintince of tools and equipment and much more!

This is from the estate of a dentist who ran his own dental practice for many years. It is in nice vintage condition.

  1. photo of vintage dental training book lots of dentist tools and equipment photos #2
  2. photo of vintage dental training book lots of dentist tools and equipment photos #3
  3. photo of vintage dental training book lots of dentist tools and equipment photos #4