vintage glass refrigerator bottle juice carafe w/ oranges & tomatoes print

vintage glass refrigerator bottle juice carafe w/ oranges & tomatoes print
vintage glass refrigerator bottle juice carafe w/ oranges & tomatoes print
vintage glass refrigerator bottle juice carafe w/ oranges & tomatoes print
vintage glass refrigerator bottle juice carafe w/ oranges & tomatoes print
vintage glass refrigerator bottle juice carafe w/ oranges & tomatoes print
vintage glass refrigerator bottle juice carafe w/ oranges & tomatoes print

Mid-century vintage Anchor Hocking glass juice bottle with glass lid, 8" tall. (This holds about a quart.)

Both the bottle and the lid are in good clean condition, no chips or cracks, very little wear or scratching to the design. A great go-along for your vintage swanky swigs!

item #nt7878