50s 60s vintage cotton print fabric, dress material weight, green & grey floral

photo of 50s 60s vintage cotton print fabric, dress material weight, green & grey floral #1 more photos of this product below

We love this vintage print cotton, retro and pretty, not blazingly bright, perfect for a shirt, skirt or dress. It's 36" wide x 5 yards.

This and a few other prints we're listing came out of a smoking estate - we don't often collect items from smokers, but there were some really great fabrics we couldn't pass up!

There's only the faintest of smell which will probably air / launder out, but we're mentioning it on all of these pieces in case it's a real problem for you.

  1. photo of 50s 60s vintage cotton print fabric, dress material weight, green & grey floral #2
  2. photo of 50s 60s vintage cotton print fabric, dress material weight, green & grey floral #3