50s 60s vintage daisy print cotton fabric for feed sacks, 4 1/2 yards 32 wide

photo of 50s 60s vintage daisy print cotton fabric for feed sacks, 4 1/2 yards 32 wide #1 more photos of this product below

Unused vintage cotton fabric made for feedsacks, 32" wide across the selvages, 4 1/2" yards. This is a little coarsely woven, not top quality cotton fabric. But it has a cute print, in great retro colors - aqua, copper brown, white and green.

I believe this was probably mill end or seconds to begin with, as I did see some small holes and spots, though it was never cut or sewn into sacks.

  1. photo of 50s 60s vintage daisy print cotton fabric for feed sacks, 4 1/2 yards 32 wide #2
  2. photo of 50s 60s vintage daisy print cotton fabric for feed sacks, 4 1/2 yards 32 wide #3
  3. photo of 50s 60s vintage daisy print cotton fabric for feed sacks, 4 1/2 yards 32 wide #4
  4. photo of 50s 60s vintage daisy print cotton fabric for feed sacks, 4 1/2 yards 32 wide #5