December 1932 vintage issue of The Atlantic magazine, complete w/ ads

photo of December 1932 vintage issue of The Atlantic magazine, complete w/ ads #1
more photos of this product below

December 1932 issue of The Atlantic, a little worn but complete. Lots of reading, and not a ton of advertising - though the ads are very interesting!

  • sku: #wr110432
  • price: $20.50
  • status: in stock
  • quantity available: 1
  • circa: 1930s
  1. photo of December 1932 vintage issue of The Atlantic magazine, complete w/ ads #2
  2. photo of December 1932 vintage issue of The Atlantic magazine, complete w/ ads #3
  3. photo of December 1932 vintage issue of The Atlantic magazine, complete w/ ads #4
  4. photo of December 1932 vintage issue of The Atlantic magazine, complete w/ ads #5