Pottery Barn Kids brown gingham checked cotton fitted sheet twin size, cottage chic

photo of Pottery Barn Kids brown gingham checked cotton fitted sheet twin size, cottage chic #1 more photos of this product below

Clean, gently used twin size fitted sheet, brown and white mini checks cotton, Pottery Barn Kids label. No pilling, stains or discoloration - this looks good.

  1. photo of Pottery Barn Kids brown gingham checked cotton fitted sheet twin size, cottage chic #2
  2. photo of Pottery Barn Kids brown gingham checked cotton fitted sheet twin size, cottage chic #3
  3. photo of Pottery Barn Kids brown gingham checked cotton fitted sheet twin size, cottage chic #4
  4. photo of Pottery Barn Kids brown gingham checked cotton fitted sheet twin size, cottage chic #5
  5. photo of Pottery Barn Kids brown gingham checked cotton fitted sheet twin size, cottage chic #6
  6. photo of Pottery Barn Kids brown gingham checked cotton fitted sheet twin size, cottage chic #7
  7. photo of Pottery Barn Kids brown gingham checked cotton fitted sheet twin size, cottage chic #8