antique leather bound book Men of Our Day, 19th century history Civil War heros

photo of antique leather bound book Men of Our Day, 19th century history Civil War heros #1 more photos of this product below

1872 Men of Our Day, leather bound. This is 696 pages, some very famous men, and others I've never even heard of.

It's worn and scuffed, some pages spotted, a few worm holes, old inscriptions. It's a beautiful volume, black with gold, about 9" x 6".

  1. photo of antique leather bound book Men of Our Day, 19th century history Civil War heros #2
  2. photo of antique leather bound book Men of Our Day, 19th century history Civil War heros #3
  3. photo of antique leather bound book Men of Our Day, 19th century history Civil War heros #4
  4. photo of antique leather bound book Men of Our Day, 19th century history Civil War heros #5
  5. photo of antique leather bound book Men of Our Day, 19th century history Civil War heros #6
  6. photo of antique leather bound book Men of Our Day, 19th century history Civil War heros #7
  7. photo of antique leather bound book Men of Our Day, 19th century history Civil War heros #8
  8. photo of antique leather bound book Men of Our Day, 19th century history Civil War heros #9
  9. photo of antique leather bound book Men of Our Day, 19th century history Civil War heros #10