antique picture book Bird Children, flower fairy style babies colored illustrations vintage 1912

photo of antique picture book Bird Children, flower fairy style babies colored illustrations vintage 1912  #1
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Bird Children by Elizabeth Gordon, drawings by M T Ross. This is the 28th edition, dated 1912. Wonderful pictures with lots of color, it's not surprising that this shows a lot of wear. It's complete, and pages have no rips or scribbles.

  • sku: #hf0610135
  • price: $31.50
  • status: in stock
  • quantity available: 1
  • circa: early 1900s
  1. photo of antique picture book Bird Children, flower fairy style babies colored illustrations vintage 1912  #2
  2. photo of antique picture book Bird Children, flower fairy style babies colored illustrations vintage 1912  #3
  3. photo of antique picture book Bird Children, flower fairy style babies colored illustrations vintage 1912  #4
  4. photo of antique picture book Bird Children, flower fairy style babies colored illustrations vintage 1912  #5
  5. photo of antique picture book Bird Children, flower fairy style babies colored illustrations vintage 1912  #6