candlewick bead edge pattern, vintage glass dish & double handled bowl

photo of candlewick bead edge pattern, vintage glass dish & double handled bowl #1 more photos of this product below

Two pieces of beaded edge pattern glass, an Imperial candlewick double-handled bowl (6 1/2" handle tip to handle tip), and a bubble patterned dish (5 1/4" in diameter).

Both pieces look nice, no chips, very minimal scratching, not clouded, though they look that way in the photo (it's just sunlight glare, these bowls gave us a really hard time with the photos!)

  1. photo of candlewick bead edge pattern, vintage glass dish & double handled bowl #2
  2. photo of candlewick bead edge pattern, vintage glass dish & double handled bowl #3
  3. photo of candlewick bead edge pattern, vintage glass dish & double handled bowl #4