old 1930s childrens sports&games handbook playground/summer camp

photo of old 1930s childrens sports&games handbook playground/summer camp #1 more photos of this product below

Old 1930s Great Depression vintage handbook of sports and games for children and young people... -A Recreation and Sports Handbook for Playground, School, Community and Camp-. This is copyright 1934 by Ferd John Lipovetz and published by the Burgess Publishing Company.

It has about 700 pages and seems to have been printed on a very small scale on a mimeograph machine. This book is full of different games and activities.

There are a number of illustrations and we even saw a diagram for making a kite on the page for kite flying... A nice nostalgia piece from a simpler time when people and children had to find things to do that didn't cost a lot of money.

This is heavily worn and the pages are yellowed.

  1. photo of old 1930s childrens sports&games handbook playground/summer camp #2
  2. photo of old 1930s childrens sports&games handbook playground/summer camp #3
  3. photo of old 1930s childrens sports&games handbook playground/summer camp #4