old brass school bell, wood handled hand bell w/ good loud ring, farm dinner bell

photo of old brass school bell, wood handled hand bell w/ good loud ring, farm dinner bell #1
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1970s vintage brass bell with wood handle, made in India. Bell is spotted and tarnished, and wood handle has wear. But this has a good loud clear ring, and the long handle is easy to grab and hold, even while wearing work gloves - very handy around the farm!

  • sku: #wr0209218
  • price: $20.50
  • status: in stock
  • quantity available: 1
  • circa: 1970s
  1. photo of old brass school bell, wood handled hand bell w/ good loud ring, farm dinner bell #2
  2. photo of old brass school bell, wood handled hand bell w/ good loud ring, farm dinner bell #3
  3. photo of old brass school bell, wood handled hand bell w/ good loud ring, farm dinner bell #4
  4. photo of old brass school bell, wood handled hand bell w/ good loud ring, farm dinner bell #5