spring flowers vintage Taylor Smith TST china plates, jonquils daffs pussy willow buds

photo of spring flowers vintage Taylor Smith TST china plates, jonquils daffs pussy willow buds #1 more photos of this product below

Rare, hard to find pattern of Taylor, Smith and Taylor china – this is a set of six dinner plates with early spring flowers pattern border. Backstamp dates these to the 1940s. They're 10" in diameter.

All six plates do have glaze crazing from age, but overall these are in remarkably nice condition. Nice and glossy without wear to the surface or the design, trim looks good, no chips, cracks or staining to any.

I love the way the pattern is at the border – you could layer these well with pastel colored plates, or a different floral pattern. Maybe tulips, or larger daffodils!

  • sku: #rg031276
  • price: $95.50
  • status: in stock
  • quantity available: 1
  1. photo of spring flowers vintage Taylor Smith TST china plates, jonquils daffs pussy willow buds #2
  2. photo of spring flowers vintage Taylor Smith TST china plates, jonquils daffs pussy willow buds #3
  3. photo of spring flowers vintage Taylor Smith TST china plates, jonquils daffs pussy willow buds #4
  4. photo of spring flowers vintage Taylor Smith TST china plates, jonquils daffs pussy willow buds #5
  5. photo of spring flowers vintage Taylor Smith TST china plates, jonquils daffs pussy willow buds #6
  6. photo of spring flowers vintage Taylor Smith TST china plates, jonquils daffs pussy willow buds #7
  7. photo of spring flowers vintage Taylor Smith TST china plates, jonquils daffs pussy willow buds #8