vintage Hawaiian print cotton feedsack fabric, tropical paradise Hawaii or Tahiti?

photo of vintage Hawaiian print cotton feedsack fabric, tropical paradise Hawaii or Tahiti? #1 more photos of this product below

1940s or 50s vintage cotton feed sack fabric, a tropical beach with a girl making leis. And a water skier!

This is opened flat, measures 36" wide x 42" long. Condition isn't the best - this has fading all across the center, and spots.

  1. photo of vintage Hawaiian print cotton feedsack fabric, tropical paradise Hawaii or Tahiti? #2
  2. photo of vintage Hawaiian print cotton feedsack fabric, tropical paradise Hawaii or Tahiti? #3
  3. photo of vintage Hawaiian print cotton feedsack fabric, tropical paradise Hawaii or Tahiti? #4
  4. photo of vintage Hawaiian print cotton feedsack fabric, tropical paradise Hawaii or Tahiti? #5
  5. photo of vintage Hawaiian print cotton feedsack fabric, tropical paradise Hawaii or Tahiti? #6
  6. photo of vintage Hawaiian print cotton feedsack fabric, tropical paradise Hawaii or Tahiti? #7
  7. photo of vintage Hawaiian print cotton feedsack fabric, tropical paradise Hawaii or Tahiti? #8