mod vintage stainless tea bag tongs, squeezer holder gadget WMF style Hong Kong

photo of mod vintage stainless tea bag tongs, squeezer holder gadget WMF style Hong Kong  #1
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1960s vintage stainless steel tea bag tongs - this design is like the mid century WMF German tongs, but this one is marked Hong Kong. Outsourcing has been going on for a long, long time (sigh). It's nice heavy stainless, and the design here is practically perfect. If you love tea you need one of these!

  • sku: #hf0730255
  • price: $13.50
  • status: in stock
  • quantity available: 1
  • circa: 1960s
  • maker/brand: Hong Kong
  1. photo of mod vintage stainless tea bag tongs, squeezer holder gadget WMF style Hong Kong  #2
  2. photo of mod vintage stainless tea bag tongs, squeezer holder gadget WMF style Hong Kong  #3