copper luster ware
40 products
antique vintage copper lustre luster pottery pitcher, blue band redware clay
Turn of the century vintage hand painted copper luster redware pitcher, no makers marks on this...wr070560$30.50 free shipping for this item!in stock -
Dickens Days Victorian style pink copper luster china display bowl, vintage Grays pottery England
Big beautiful Gray's pottery pink copper luster bowl this is early 20th century vintage, in a...wr030710$52.50 free shipping for this item!in stock -
vintage copper lustre pitcher, milk jug or creamer, Wade England redware pottery
Vintage copper luster redware pottery pitcher, marked made in England. This is about 5 1/2" tall,...wr0208103$38.50 free shipping for this item!in stock -
1800s antique copper luster china milk jug, hand painted sailing boats & anchor
Unmarked 1800s vintage copper lustre milk jug, a little pitcher about 4" tall. This has a...rg071095$45.50 free shipping for this item!in stock -
vintage hand blown glass wine glasses Italy labels clear w/ copper luster stem
Pair of unused vintage hand blown glass goblets with the original labels as shown. These are...rg062028$44.50 free shipping for this item!in stock -
Williamsburg pottery vintage pink copper luster creamer jug pitcher Joseph Palin Thorley
Signed Palin Thorley Williamsburg pottery milk jug or cream pitcher (about 4" tall), 20th century vintage....ts070908$59.50 free shipping for this item!in stock -
antique vintage Germany china pitchers, copper & pink luster lustreware
Lot of two antique (circa 1900) German china pitchers, one pink luster, one pink luster and...fr11984$72.50 free shipping for this item!in stock -
antique iridescent luster glass marmalade jar, silver over copper Deykin England hallmarks
Beautiful antique iridescent glass marmalade jar with hand painted enamel detail, silver plated cover and base...fr01175$66.50 free shipping for this item!in stock -
Tea Leaf pattern white ironstone china w/ copper luster stack of antique plates
Antique Tea Leaf pattern ironstone china, early 1900s vintage. This lot is a trio of plates,...pw821105$47.50 free shipping for this item!in stock -
vintage Anchor Hocking bubble pattern berry bowls, copper tint iridescent peach luster
Vintage Anchor Hocking peach luster IRIDESCENT bubble pattern bowls... just two of the 4 1/2" diameter...pw70890$43.50 free shipping for this item!in stock -
vintage glass hurricane chimney lamp shade, peach luster copper tint marigold glass
Marigold luster glass lampshade with a white textured design on the luster color. This is a...pw012620$73.50 free shipping for this item!in stock -
1800s antique ironstone platter or serving tray, moss rose china w/ copper luster
Beautiful late 1800s vintage heavy white ironstone china tray or platter with moss rose pattern, copper...m9711sold out -
mod vintage barware, drinking glasses w/ copper or rose gold metallic luster
1970s vintage (made in Korea) tumblers with gorgeous metallic color, a coppery rose gold with flocked...fr91841sold out -
antique Tea Leaf pattern white ironstone china w/ copper luster, mug cups with deep saucers
Antique Tea Leaf pattern ironstone china, early 1900s vintage. This lot is a 'set' of two...pw82187sold out -
complete set vintage Anchor Hocking Fire King swirl glass dishes, peach luster copper tint
Complete unused set for four of vintage Anchor Hocking peach lustre dishes, swirl pattern. There's four...pw22446sold out -
old antique Tea Leaf white ironstone china plates w/ copper luster, Wedgwood & Meakin
Lot of six very old Tea Leaf ironstone china plates about 7 3/4" in diameter....nt969sold out -
antique English ironstone china egg cup with tea leaf copper luster
Unmarked old tea leaf ironstone china egg cup in very good condition, a hard to...z52249sold out -
vintage Fire-King copper tint peach luster milk glass baking pan & pie plate
Vintage Fire King peach luster cake baking pan (an 8 1/2" diameter round) and pie...z430156sold out -
antique Tea Leaf copper luster ironstone china square covered serving dish
Antique English ironstone covered dish in the Tea Leaf pattern - this one is Alfred Meakin,...s1110242sold out -
vintage Fire King peach luster copper-tint pie plates, pie pans set
Set of two 9" diameter pie pans, vintage Anchor Hocking Fire-King glass, milk white with the...s71844sold out -
collection of shabby antique silver luster & copper luster china, tea pot & jugs
Large lot of antique copper luster china and a silver luster china milk jug, all in...s618107sold out -
vintage copper luster china creamers, antique pink copper luster bowl & pitcher
Collection of vintage copper luster pieces out of the estate of a china dealer / collector,...s3526sold out -
vintage Fire King copper tint peach luster glass cups saucers set of 12
Vintage peach luster milk glass cups and saucers, Anchor Hocking Fire-King glassware. This is a set...u816111sold out -
Tea Leaf copper luster antique vintage white ironstone china bowl & platter
Old English ironstone china with Tea Leaf pattern in copper brown luster, a 15" long oval...n101553sold out