vintage USDA booklets 1930s Horses on the Farm, How to Select a Sound Horse, 4H papers

photo of vintage USDA booklets 1930s Horses on the Farm, How to Select a Sound Horse, 4H papers #1
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Lot of interesting vintage material for the horseman or breeder, some 4H, some booklets from the US Department of Agriculture. All in nice clean condition.

  • sku: #hf041983
  • price: $19.50
  • status: in stock
  • quantity available: 1
  1. photo of vintage USDA booklets 1930s Horses on the Farm, How to Select a Sound Horse, 4H papers #2
  2. photo of vintage USDA booklets 1930s Horses on the Farm, How to Select a Sound Horse, 4H papers #3
  3. photo of vintage USDA booklets 1930s Horses on the Farm, How to Select a Sound Horse, 4H papers #4
  4. photo of vintage USDA booklets 1930s Horses on the Farm, How to Select a Sound Horse, 4H papers #5